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content marketing agency, Upper Side

A Digital Content Strategy for DIY brands?

With an overall revenue of €307 billion in 2018, the online sales of the DIY market testify the many assets of having a digital presence nowadays. For a total market value in the DIY sector of € 246 billion in Western Europe, €62 billion is generated by eCommerce. These numbers are likely to grow in the next years as marketplaces offer better solutions and expanded possibilities for all supply and demand types in the DIY department.

Content strategy for DIY brands

According to the Digital Marketing Institute, pursuing a digital content tactic is proven to generate more performances in terms of sales and global reputation. Indeed, the added value of the digital marketing’s offer is in fact endless : The various DIY sub-segments can each take advantage of the performance marketing field by choosing the right approach to get closer to its intended target. From enhancing the customer’s experience by offering them a large product range to fit their specific needs to increase the data-based insights, many DIY brands have chosen to develop a digital marketing strategy to stay competitive and relevant. With an average and global growth rate of 8,9% per year in the DIY online sector, we have been observing the shift of niche markets and small vendors from a traditional business to the solutions that eCommerce offers, providing them lasting benefits in terms of performances marketing. Due to the infinite commercial possibilities offered by digital marketing solutions, gaining market shares has got more and more accessible with a good performance marketing strategy and a relatable monitoring. Therefore, eCommerce offers a great way of diversifying by creating a user-generated content.

digital marketing strategy for DIY brands

Here at Upper Side we are willing to guide you through this digital dilemma and help you enhance your business with care and commitment. Let us lend you a hand with your business while starting your online and momentous adventure in the digital marketing world

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Performance marketing studio in Brussels and Aix-en-Provence.